Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy

Students pursuing the English Major with a Writing, Reading and Literacy (WRL) Concentration must complete 13 courses (39 hours). Students must have a cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C) for all courses in the major program and a minimum grade of C- for each individual major course. A minimum grade of C is required for English 3379.

Writing, Reading and Literacy Concentration Curriculum Sheet

All students:

Digital Media Studies Requirement

Choose One Digital Media Studies Course*:

  • 2269 Digital Media Composing
  • 4569 Digital Media & English Studies

* This is an overlapping requirement. Students should plan to take either (a)
English 2269 Digital Media Composing, which will fulfill the 2000-level
elective requirement under the Electives in English Studies category
below, or (b) English 4569 Digital Media & English Studies, which
will fulfill the Writing and Writing Studies requirement or one of the
WRL Course Elective requirements.

Survey of English Literature and Literary History (9 hrs total)

English 2201 British Literature: Origins to 1800 (3 hrs)

English 2290 Colonial & U.S. Literature to 1865 (3 hrs)

Choose One Post-1800 Survey Course in British or American Literature (3 hrs)

  • 2202 British Literature: 1800 to Present (3 hrs)
  • 2291 U.S. Literature: 1865 to Present (3 hrs)

Writing, Rhetoric, & Literacy Concentration Courses (18 hrs total)

English 3379 Introduction to Writing, Rhetoric, & Literacy (minimum grade of C; 3 hrs)

Choose One Writing and Writing Studies Course (3 hrs)

  • 3304 Business & Professional Writing
  • 3467S Issues and Methods in Tutoring Writing
  • 4150 Cultures of Professional Writing (CSTW 4150)
  • 4569 Digital Media & English Studies

Choose One Rhetorical Studies Course (3 hrs)

  • 4573.01 Rhetorical Theory & Criticism
  • 4573.02 Rhetoric & Social Action
  • 4574 History & Theories of Writing

Choose One Literacy and Language Studies Course (3 hrs)

  • 4572 Traditional Grammar & Usage
  • 4584 Topics in Literacy Studies

Choose Two WRL Course Electives at the 3000-level or higher (6 hrs)

  • 3304 Business & Professional Writing
  • 3467S Issues & Methods in Tutoring Writing
  • 4150 Cultures of Professional Writing (CSTW 4150)
  • 4569 Digital Media & English Studies
  • 4572 Traditional Grammar & Usage
  • 4573.01 Rhetorical Theory & Criticism
  • 4573.02 Rhetoric & Social Action
  • 4574 History & Theories of Writing
  • 4584 Topics in Literacy Studies

Diversity in English Studies (3 hrs total)

Choose One Diversity in English Studies Course (3 hrs)

  • 4581 Topics in U.S. Ethnic Literatures
  • 4582 Topics in African American Lit.
  • 4592 Topics in Women in Literature and Culture

Electives in English Studies (9 hrs total)

Choose One English Course at the 2000-level or higher from the list below (3hrs)

Choose One English Course at the 3000-level or higher from the list below (3hrs)

Choose One English Course [bolded] outside the WRL Concentration at the 3000-level or higher from the list below (3 hrs)

  • 2201 British Lit: Medieval through 1800
  • 2202 British Lit: 1800 to Present
  • 2220 Intro to Shakespeare
  • 2261 Intro to Fiction
  • 2263 Intro to Film
  • Digital Media Composing
  • 2275 Thematic Approaches to Lit
  • 2276 Arts of Persuasion
  • 2280 English Bible
  • 2290 Colonial and U.S. Lit to 1865
  • 2281 Intro to African-American Literature
  • 2291 U.S. Lit: 1865 to Present
  • 3304 Business & Professional Writing
  • 3378 Topics in Film & Lit
  • 3467S Issues & Methods in Tutoring Writing
  • 4150 Cultures of Professional Writing (CSTW 4150)
  • 4540 19th-Century British Poetry
  • 4542 19th-Century British Novel
  • 4551 Topics in 19th-Century U.S. Lit
  • 4569 Digital Media & English Studies
  • 4572 Traditional Grammar & Usage
  • 4573.01 Rhetorical Theory & Criticism
  • 4573.02 Rhetoric & Social Action
  • 4574 History & Theories of Writing
  • 4582 Topics in African American Lit
  • 4584 Topics in Literacy Studies
  • 4592 Topics in Women in Lit/Culture