Dr. Terri Bucci, Associate Professor of Math Education, is co-director of the OSU Mathematics Literacy Initiative. Areas of expertise are in the fields of mathematics education and international teacher education, particularly in Haiti. She has spent the last six years working with the Mathematics Literacy Initiative, translating the Algebra Project grades 7-12 work into applications in K-8 mathematics instruction. Holder of teaching certificates in elementary, secondary mathematics and general science, she has 14 years of public school teaching in grades 6-12 and 18 years at Ohio State Mansfield, teaching early and middle childhood courses to in-service and pre-service mathematics educators

Dr. Lee McEwan, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics and co-director of the OSU Mathematics Literacy Initiative, leads professional development workshops and supports teachers in classrooms. He applies experience-based mathematics learning for making sense of mathematics, based on the pedagogical tools of the Algebra Project. He has helped write many successful grants for the Mathematics Literacy Initiative, and is currently writing articles with mathematics educators about the effectiveness of the MLI program. Dr. McEwan is finishing his 30th year as a research mathematician at OSU, with research in topological aspects of singularity theory.

Dan Freund, Superintendent, Highland Local School District. Dan brings a wealth of public school experience to the Math Literacy team, as a teacher, elementary principal, middle school principal, director special education/federal programs, and superintendent. Awards include Middle Level Educator of the Year Central Arizona Region 1988, Buckeye Association of School Administrators Exemplary Leadership Award 2004, Richland County Chamber of Commerce Extraordinary Leadership Award 2012 and Honorary State FFA Degree 2016. Dan’s role as Leadership Consultant with the Mathematics Literacy Initiative is facilitating the Leadership Academy and working with district administrators.

Debe Adams, Math Content Specialist, earned a BS and MS in mathematics at Southern Illinois University and a certification in secondary mathematics at Eastern Illinois University. In 2009, she began teaching The Algebra Project pedagogy in the high school classroom and she has continued to work in various capacities with The Algebra Project since that time. After teaching math part-time at her local Illinois community college and then full time at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Debe moved to Mansfield, Ohio in 2017 to work with the Math Literacy Initiative (MLI). The MLI provides professional development that is grounded in the pedagogy of The Algebra Project for K-12 in-service math teachers. In addition to the MLI work, Debe teaches college-level math courses including courses for pre-service teachers at The Ohio State University, Mansfield.