English Faculty

Cynthia Callahan, Associate Professor of English and Coordinator of the English major (PhD, University of Delaware), teaches American and multi-ethnic American literatures. Focusing on fictional adoptive families in American literature, her first book, Kin of Another Kind: Transracial Adoption in American Literature (Michigan UP, 2011), explores the role of kinship in articulating racial and national identities in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Her current book project examines narratives by and about African Americans in adoptive relationships in the years following World War II. Callahan’s research has been featured in or is forthcoming from MELUS, Modern Fiction Studies, Twentieth Century Literature, and Adoption & Culture. Callahan is a recipient of the Mansfield campus Excellence in Teaching Award. She also serves as the Faculty Fellow overseeing the Second-year Transformational Experience at Mansfield.
callahan.138@osu.edu 419-755-4242

Bob Gibson, Lecturer (MFA, The Ohio State University). In addition to teaching basic composition, creative writing, and literature classes at The Ohio State University-Mansfield, he also taught similar courses at OSU-Marion, OSU-Columbus, Columbus State University and Marion Technical College. Prior to entering the academic world, Gibson worked as a freelance writer with published works in numerous magazines. Those include Boy’s Life, Astronomy, Highlights for Children, Humpty Dumpty, Woman’s Day, Restaurant Business, Ohio Business, Nation’s Business, Ad Astra, Astronomy, Christian Science Daily, Ohio Magazine and many others. He also worked several years as a newspaper reporter and twice won Associated Press awards for his work.

Jamison Kantor, Assistant Professor (PhD, University of Maryland), focuses on British Romantic literature, the development of nineteenth-century political economy and the idea of technological progress in modernity. He is completing his first book on the literary culture and politics of honor in the Romantic era. He is also working on a second book, which is focused on technology, automation and the ideology of historical progress from 1750 to 1850. Kantor's articles have been featured in, and are forthcoming from, S.E.L., Nineteenth-Century Literature, The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, and PMLA. Before coming to Ohio State, Kantor was a visiting assistant professor at Colby College and a lecturer at Georgetown University. He is delighted to work with students at all levels on both traditional and non-traditional projects.
kantor.41@osu.edu 419-755-4017

Andrew Kinney, Lecturer (MA, the Ohio State University), teaches first year writing in addition to other writing and literature courses in the English department. Andrew is interested in how readers and writers work in digital spaces, the construction of community among teachers and students, and rhetoric. He hopes students apply their rhetorical powers for virtuous ends.
kinney.64@osu.edu 419-755-4153

Elizabeth Zeman Kolkovich, Associate Professor (PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), researches and teaches Renaissance literature. She specializes in Shakespeare and Renaissance drama, early modern women writers, theater history, book history, and gender studies. She is author of The Elizabethan Country House Entertainment: Print, Performance, and Gender (Cambridge, 2016) and essays in Shakespeare Quarterly, English Literary Renaissance, Shakespeare Bulletin, and elsewhere. She received the Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, the Paul W. Brown Excellence in Teaching Award, and the Mansfield Campus awards for excellence in scholarship and teaching. Current projects include a book on masques in staged and printed Shakespeare (tentatively titled "Shakespeare's Revels") and essays on the reading and patronage of Elizabeth Stanley Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon (1599-1633).
kolkovich.1@osu.edu 419-755-4281

Joan L. Richmond, Senior Lecturer (ABD, University of Texas at Arlington), has researched rhetoric, composition, and critical theory. Her current research interests include postmodern theory and pop culture. One project includes an exploration of non-linear dynamics as they relate to postmodern theory and teaching composition. She has taught composition, literature, and literary theory in Texas for ten years and returned to her native Ohio in 2000.
richmond.58@osu.edu 419-755-4206

Darlene Slack, Lecturer (MFA, The Ohio State University), teaches composition and creative writing courses at OSU Mansfield. Recently, she earned an Ohio State Mansfield Student Service award and was nominated for the Excellence in Teaching Award for associated faculty. Prior to joining the Mansfield campus, she taught at the Columbus and Marion campuses of Ohio State and Marion Technical College, and wrote for newspapers and magazines, receiving several Associated Press and Thomson Newspaper Excellence awards for her publications on social issues. Darlene also participated in a Rotary International Group Student Exchange in Nigeria and led summer mission school studies related to her travels in other African countries, the Philippines, and Japan.
slack.15@osu.edu 419-755-4132

Kelly Whitney, Assistant Professor (PhD, New Mexico State University), teaches courses in technical and professional writing, rhetorical theory, and disability studies. She also coordinates the professional writing minor at the Mansfield campus. Her research focuses on textual representations of material entanglements and embodied knowledges in medical spaces. Her work has been published in Peitho, WPA Journal, and Prompt and is forthcoming from Rhetoric of Health and Medicine as well as two edited book collections.