Regional Business Shared Services

The Ohio State University at Mansfield Office of Business Services mission is to provide timely, accurate, high-quality, cost-effective, and customer-focused support to the University’s mission of teaching, research and service. We are committed to being a value-added partner and to the University’s financial stewardship responsibility in all our work.

Regional Business Shared Services - Ohio State Mansfield

The Regional Business Shared Services mission and vision is to provide business expertise, reporting, analysis and exceptional customer service of business processes to stakeholders. The shared services team covers Lima, Mansfield and Marion campus. Through shared services the team and campuses are strengthened by sharing personnel resources and knowledge, leading to business process streamlining and efficiencies.

Business Shared Services Staff

Staff can be reached through team email, campus phone (if available) and via TEAMs.  Using the team email is the preferred method as it ensures that the team sees the request.

Finance and Analysis – handles financial and budgetary analysis, including forecasting, reporting and cost share reconciliation and billing.  Submit requests for financial reports and pcards to the group email.

Team Email:

Regionals Director of Finance
Director of Business and Finance

Transactional Operations

Completes monthly reconciliation of financial transactions such as misc revenue, expenses, and service charges. Processing journal entries, fund transfers and costing allocation changes.  Can provide assistance with processing supplier invoices and misc payments, including honorariums.

Team Email:

Supervisor Business Transactions and Services
Fiscal Associate
Office of Finance and Business Services


Assistance with processing expense reports, spend authorizations, pcard activity, requisitions, and purchase orders.

OAA Business Services and Finance will now be your contact for all procurement and travel-related activities. All procurement and travel activity will route through the OAA Business Services’ procurement team. All correspondence should be directed to  Requests sent to the Regional Business Shared Services staff will be forwarded to

With this change, you’ll have access to a team of experienced procurement and travel staff, and you will receive quick and efficient responses. By sending requests to, you are assured continued support even if someone is out of the office or tied up with other requests. Additionally, it will allow us to better track categories of requests to determine if there are training opportunities or bandwidth is needed. Above all, our goal is to address requests as quickly and efficiently as possible.

There is no change to how you enter spend authorizations, expense reports or requisitions, how you make PCard purchases, etc. These requests will route to the OAA Business Services’ procurement team for review and approval in Workday.

The OAA Business Services’ procurement team members are:

  • Tim Hornsby, manager of procurement, receivables & customer service
  • Chris Feil, senior fiscal associate
  • Jeff Zelli, senior fiscal associate
  • Nick Maddron, fiscal associate
  • Sheri Matheny, fiscal associate
  • Heather Armstrong, fiscal associate

Additional resources and contacts

Purchasing Shared Services Center – Regional Campus Team:

Specific questions on pcards, GET cards, ECMs, supplier maintenance, Amazon, requisitions, purchase orders, payment status can be directed to the team.

**The Procurement Team makes quarterly on-site visits to the regional campuses to stay informed on concerns and issues faced at the regional campuses.  Online meetings to discuss and answer procurement and purchasing questions are also held quarterly.   If you would like to learn more, please contact

Supervisor Business Transactions and Services
Business Transactions and Services Coordinator

Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders issued by the University provide the supplier instructions on submitting their invoice for payment. 

  • All invoices must include:  Invoice # (must not duplicate #s), invoice date, University PO #, invoice total, line details, and Remit-to-Address.
  • New suppliers should have all documents submitted as soon as possible to avoid delay of payment.
  • Certain changes to existing suppliers (including but not limited to Name change, tax ID change, remit to address change and payment method changes) must be submitted as soon as possible to avoid delay of payment.
  • The link provides additional information:

Submit invoices to:

Payment status questions and concerns: 

PCard Office

Issuance of pcards, reporting lost, stolen or fraudulently used cards.  PCard policy and forms can be found on the pcard site listed below.

Contact Us

PCard Program Office
201 Stores & Receiving Building
2650 Kenny Road
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Monday - Friday (8 am - 5pm)
614-292-9290, Option 2

PNC Bank Customer Service
(4-digit code required)

Travel Office

Travel arrangements can be made by clicking on the link below.

Reminder:  All business related travel requires and approved Spend Authorization.

Questions can be directed to

Ohio State Travel Office
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Mon-Fri)

University policies and procedures and subject to change.